Problem Statement: Community libraries struggle to attract young members who favor digital content, seeing traditional libraries as outdated. The challenge is making libraries appealing, tech-forward community hubs for ages 12-25.

Project Objectives:

  • Boost library membership and borrowing by 30% among the 12-25 age group within a year.

  • Integrate digital tech and interactive elements appealing to the youth, enhancing the library experience.

  • Build a community fostering learning, creativity, and digital literacy.

User Research: Survey and interview young users to grasp their needs, preferences, and library usage barriers, focusing on their digital habits and content expectations.

Research and
Data Overview

Conduct surveys and interviews with young users to understand their needs, preferences, and barriers to library usage. Focus on their digital habits and content expectations.

Research Methods
Secondary Analysis

Key Data Points
User behavior
Device usage
Acquisition channels
Top platforms

User Persona


  • Improve mobile access and user experience on all digital platforms.

  • Broaden digital and ebook collections to reflect user preferences.

  • Boost social media engagement on Instagram and TikTok with targeted campaigns.

  • Refine event listings to decrease bounce rates and enhance registration.

  • Test various calls to action and incentives to increase newsletter subscriptions.

Netflix Inspired E-Library

Develop a social strategy to promote a Netflix-style e-reader, designed to enrich the mobile e-book platform with improved promotions for newsletters and events.


Newport Health Institute


(Draft) Glory Therapeutics Mental Health Services